Business Journal


Non-profit Employees Lack Confidence in Retirement Planning

According to a study released by the TIAA-CREF Institute and Independent Sector, about 45 percent of all employees in the non-profit sector are not confident with their ability to prepare financially for retirement. The findings underscore the need for the nonprofit and philanthropic sector to address their employees’ long-term financial security, create more opportunities for advancement within the sector, and look for national, cross-sector solutions.

According to the survey, while about 59 percent of sector employees are very or extremely satisfied with their current employment, nearly one-half of employees have considered leaving the sector to receive greater compensation elsewhere.

“The survey indicates that while nonprofit employees are satisfied overall with their jobs, they have concerns about their ability to retire comfortably,” said Paul Yakoboski, senior economist at the TIAA-CREF Institute. “The results demonstrate the need for financial planning and advice to help these employees combine the best of both worlds: a fulfilling job and a secure financial future.”

“Unfortunately, concerns about financial security can undermine the sector’s ability to attract and retain the most talented individuals to address the tough challenges we face,” said Diana Aviv, President and CEO of Independent Sector. “We hope this report will deepen our understanding of the issues and propel our community to consider how to secure the financial future of staff and those interested in working in the charitable sector. Financial security will make it possible for these leaders to remain in the sector over an entire career.”

“Non-profit organizations are a vital and growing part of every community,” said Stephanie Bell-Rose, head of the TIAA-CREF Institute. “We partnered with Independent Sector on this study to bring attention to the importance of lifetime financial security for nonprofit sector employees and, as a result, to the growing importance of assisting the nonprofit sector. We hope that this research will help us engage sector leaders in a conversation on addressing their employees’ financial concerns.”

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